Thursday 2 December 2010

Pick me a Picasso

In honour of Picasso, here’s a painting of his hand; his right hand. He drew it out of surprise, because it was most often found up the skirt of some woman.

Although I’m not into crimes, I congratulate Picasso’s electrician for having the balls to steal hundreds of artworks from the apparently selfish bastard and his selfish children. I wonder if his family will turn around and feed some of the poor of Barcelona even, as Pablo’s hometown. They’ve taken the riches of their father and said ‘we deserve all this money’. It’s as if the Picassos, the people, don’t live in a society which provided them with everything, including peace of mind (a rare commodity today). Why don’t these ‘self-made’ people realise that they don’t deserve their millions, especially when workers in their countries are allowed to be abused with low pay, and thus a low standard of living?
Again, I don’t agree with theft, but if the electrician had any brains, he would have found a lawyer cousin, and then tried to sell the works for a million, to the mafia, and gotten rid of them. Let the mafia work for their money.
As it is, he gave it to the Picasso family, who, instead of being happy, want to put him in jail. Jail is what rich people use to get back at poor people. They use the system, but they’re ‘self-made’. The police run to protect them, but the rich are ‘self-made’.

Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers, besides being smack-taking idiots, took a unique
look at where Pablo Picasso fits into the description of
what a modern male is supposed to be like
because while he was a womaniser, the ugly bastard,
nobody every called him an 'asshole' for
verbally trying to get a piece of trim.

-cos67 ¬(%^D>