Tuesday 17 May 2011

Invest in US dollar, get free wars

[by william banzai, Zerohedge]
It seems the US dollar has been rising of late, after falling for 6 months.
Why is that? Some would say that it's because the stock market is rising.
Well, they'd be wrong. It's a bubble.
P/E ratios are down, employment is down, confidence is down.

The precise beginning was the day that the US Marines broke international law
and took 80 guys to stage a bit of theatre in Pakistan.
The presentation of the dead Osama, Boogey man. [created a job opening]

What has kept the dollar up?
The killing of more brown people, this time, in Libya. Once again, against international
law. forget the UN thing, it didn't authorise bombing or political decapitation.

Never has been it been more clear (thanks Keiser) that the US dollar is just paper with
an army behind it.
"take this as your international currency, or die"
more later