Thursday, 14 July 2011

deep in the shadows, there lurks a bunch of bankers

[OMG! It's Euro CDSs! Kiss Me Deadly movie]

This is about something that the media doesn't even touch,
but it's straight out of a Hollywood movie:

the Shadow banking system
It's more bent than you can actually imagine.
Max Keiser gives us a good brief overview of this (below).

The fact that it exists is like a person
purposely choosing to stick a cancerous lump
on his arse, where he can't even see it.
the Shadow's sole purpose is to hide (shadow- Du-uh)
market manipulation to the degree that
nobody will know when the whole
financial house of cards will fall, while
actively helping it happen.
Why should naked short selling & CDS ownership be secret?
Forget the fact that they're actually legal,
while being deadly.
It's like US gun laws. "Let 'em kill one another"

Another effect is the murder of Price Discovery.
It's front-web-page news on the gold/silver sites.
The massive con job on the SLV and gold markets
is frustrating those who feel that gold should
already be at 5000 bucks an ounce, while realising
that the Man will do everything He can
to keep a lid on the price, because if it rises freely,
the fiat money game is over.
So, we assume it's the Dollar & Euro mafias doing this,
since GATA has proved the same gangsters have
been manipulating gold prices for decades,
for the same reason.

Categorise the Shadow Banking with:
Shadow Politics (behind closed doors, with Shadow Lobby)
Shadow Diplomacy (Hidden in a soldiers clothing - Iraq, Af-stan)
Shadow Democracy (once every 4 years. Secret ballot counting)
Shadow Media (see Rupert Murdoch/News Int.)
Shadow Justice (grabs un-rich people only)
Shadow Taxation (see above)
Shadow Economy (see globalisation/stock market- rich bankers vs. lost jobs)
not to be confused with the Black Market, which is a GOOD thing
(no tax for Shadow Gov, no money for Shadow Corp)
Shadow People (they make millions, but offshore their money)
-"you can't tax their shadow." Winning- Du-uh

The Shadow Sector is mentioned in this Keiser show:

more later