Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Weird Al deposed as President of Ukraine

I was sorry to hear about how the funny guy
who satirised such classics as "Bad" and "Beat it"
(the Wank song) was deposed from his post in
Chicken Kiev, and is now hiding in Kentucky.

Wait a sec.
I've just been told that it's not
Yankovic, but Yanukovich. 
Sorry folks, but I'm going
with what I got:

Yankovic worked for international relations.
His Ode to Canada, my homeland:

Ludwig knows his humour

That's Ludwig Wittgenstein, the philosopher.

I had always thought that philosophy was for
guys whose brains worked so damn much,
at such a high RPM, that
these guys were damned to split hairs and
infinitives for their whole lives, like some
useless monks.

Well, I was wrong, for once. For Luddie
knows the value of humour, in the righteous
protest. He knows that we need to hear wise
words, but not long-winded ones.

so, he said:

"A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes"

I was just thinking the same thing about 
Bill Hicks and George Carlin.

These men, rest in peace, were both 
comic and philosophical greats.

Their treatise on existentialism, peace, democracy,
consumerism, marketing and wimpy British gangs
were what made these guys unforgetable.


Al Quiders are shorting the US

The Onion, my guiding light, and leaders in beleivable
satire, have just declared that Al Quida are setting down
their guns, grabbing the popcorn and watching the US
crash and burn.

I think the Telegraph just wrote how the US middle class
is no longer the richest in the world.
The Ukraine is going to turn from a neo-con trick into
a hot war, pretty soon.
You know the banking thing is going to crash again

But, the Onion says it better,35788/?ref=auto 

a brief quote:

FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States
 ISSUE 50•15 • Apr 15, 2014

A recent al-Qaeda video shows a militant training to carry out his mission of lying back and watching America’s status as a superpower erode

WASHINGTON—Putting the nation on alert against what it has described as a “highly credible terrorist threat,” the FBI announced today that it has uncovered a plot by members of al-Qaeda to sit back and enjoy themselves while the United States collapses of its own accord.

Multiple intelligence agencies confirmed that the militant Islamist organization and its numerous affiliates intend to carry out a massive, coordinated plan to stand aside and watch America’s increasingly rapid decline, with terrorist operatives across the globe reportedly mobilizing to take it easy, relax, and savor the spectacle as it unfolds...

I think that, if they were smart, the Quidders would
open a hedge fund and short the US.
They could make Squillions. Just follow Kyle Bass,

Iniesta as a force for good

Only Iniesta can save Spain from a
Franco-stein future of poverta and miseria.

Update: Mylie Cyrus slowly morphing into Justin Bieber

It was I who saw through all the crotch rubbing and
said that Mylie is becoming Justin. Now, here's a
photo which others have said shows Mylie doing
a Justin pose. I cannot comment, as I do not know
of any such pictures. The proof:

Imagine the retail possibilities