Sunday 16 May 2010

life imitating art imitating hedge markets

I happened to be listening to the Formula one race today, on the radio.
The 'circus' was in Monte Carlo, the crowning jewel in the worldwide multi-million dollar business of 75 minute races. It's the crowning jewel because Monaco's dripping with money.
No Lidl. Needle exchange has gold-tipped syringes.
The race has been held annually for about 80 years. See below.
Here's a recent version:
Of course, being that it's the stinking rich principality that it is, all kinds of famous and rich folks were hanging around with the matador-style drivers:
J-Lo (two kids later, less of a sex kitten)
Gerard Butler (the latest Russell Crowe)
Michael Douglas (luckiest married bastard on the planet)
This last person was interviewed by BBC 5Live radio, seeing as he has a new movie
for his Gordon Gekko stock-raider character, showing over there in Cannes (pron. /Kanz/), next door.
The interviewer was pretty sharp, and asked something like:
"Doesn't Monte Carlo fit the Greed is Good motto?"*
Douglas then answered: "It epitomises that"
before he changed the subject so as not to get cornered into
a discussion of profligate wealth. He's got a few mill on the side, himself.

I guess it's a little gauche these days to enjoy wealth so openly. What a shame.
You're in the wrong town on the wrong day, pal.
I feel embarrassed, as well, for him.
I guess I should chuck my Deusenberg in the drink.

Actually, this was a case of a 'million dollar car' of its day, circa 1920.
The owner didn't want to pay the import tax at the Swiss border and sent the car
into a lake. Crazy rich f%^&*&kers. He had money to buy it, but not
enough to give some to his offshore-cum-socialist-country.
"Uuuuh. I've got some Liederhosen!? How about that?"

-Cos67 ¬(%^D>
* that was Gekko's motto.