Wednesday 5 May 2010

tatooed people can be weird and boring

[pic - stylestattoo]
What's the difference between having one tattoo, and covering a whole section of your body?

It's almost quaint today to see someone moved to put an indellible image on their bodies.
How many times have you said 'Aw shucks' when you saw a pretty design in the small of a young woman's back?

Others have poked holes in their faces and tongues. It's all okay now, within reason.
I have a problem with guys who cover whole sections of their bodies.
a whole arm
the whole back
both tits
an entire forearm
a calf
a whole noggin

What would you think of a person who plans out something artistic for months and says,
"I gotta do this and that. I gotta cover the whole thing""I just gotta".
I'd say, "get over yourself". They turn into busy-body perfectionists, like the employed people that they make fun of.
Tattooed types always fancy themselves as counter-culture and oh-so-cool.
I think their self-image doesn't match with the perfectionism of their actions.
Those types are as anal as a middle manager in the government.
That kind of internal conflict can make them a bit touchy.
Keep your distance.

case in point:
Metro News - May the fourth be with him:
"Star Wars fan Luke Kaye would really love to live on Tatooine. After all, with 14 tattoos covering his body, he'd fit right in. Mr. Kaye, 42, got his first in of Yoda five years ago- and hasn't looked back since. 'I will not stop until I am happy - I am nowhere near finished yet,'...'I want to add more characters to for a sleeve on my arm and move on to getting full-size spaceships down my sides'...Girlfriend very understanding."
[Looks more like Pizza the Hut, or for spy fans, Fot Bosturd.]

That's what makes me laugh about Sandra Bullock. She married one of those boys.
He f$^&^ked around on her. She looked surprised!
She's always struck me as anal, anyway.

-Cos67 ¬(%^D>