Friday 4 March 2011


WE’RE SPREADING DEMOCRACY, not the old-fashioned Gandhi way.

And you thought that democracy was just breaking out everywhere because the Murdoch media reported it. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Wisconsin.

You couldn't be more wrong. I'll let the experts convince you, but
with the government ponzi-meister Bernanke giving free money to the big
banks, they're speculating in every market they haven't busted yet.
Since the campaign to GET physical silver is killing their silver shorts,

[silver shorts]

the Zombie Bankers have been speculating on everything from Monday night football to granny's bingo, and food. They're playing the futures market with pico-second trading (1 billionth of a second) to try to make their crust, or million crusts, as the case may be. So, the Muslim world has been suffering under US-puppet governments for several decades, with all the money being hoovered up by the President. But, at least they could afford to live, and eat. Well, thanks to Wall Street, they couldn't eat any more. The price of wheat has shot up. Also, the fall in the US dollar has made this even worse, as has the flooding of the world with worthless US dollars.

so, who's for a food fight?

Below is a good chat if you have an hour.

It's dragon-slayer William Black,
and former banker, turned crusader Nomi Prins.

You'll hear about the food fight
and other gangster crap from the US government.

-Cos67 ¬(%^D>


we have proof , even from the other side, that we're starving people:
OPINION FEBRUARY 23, 2011 The Federal Reserve Is Causing Turmoil Abroad
Few protesters in the Middle East connect rising food prices to U.S. monetary policy. But central bankers do.