Monday 7 November 2011

Kicking the Cannes Cannes down the road road

Yes they cancan, like the best. That's a French birthright.

I'm not talking about the gals above when I say:
Wasn't that some of the best kabuki acting you've ever seen?
I mean the Euro politicians.

I say! The end of the world and all that.

And, You'll take it up the arse, and like it! George?
What's that democracy stuff you're talking about? George?

Merkozy are, in this order:
fl%&^&cking Greece,
saving their banks,
saving the euro,
then saving their arses.

Anybody have any democratic requests? Please hold.

Merkozy have been exposed as the two headed monster.

Oddly, GPap got them to open pandora's box.
They finally said, Greece can leave. They weren't serious,
but everybody's gonna go for that as a solution,
which will end up destroying the Euro if no the EU.

GPap's referendum idea was also brilliant. Now the Germans want
a referendum. This is working out marvellously.

checkitout: Mish Shedlock- strategy for GPap

I encourage Papandreou to go "All In". He has nothing to lose. He will not win the next election and he is tired of playing puppet to Merkozy.Bear in mind Greece desperately needs reforms. However, the manner in which the IMF, EMU, and Merkozy have forced various issues is in a manner that helps only Greek and French banks, and not Greece at all.
Most Greeks would agree with that assessment, whether it is truer or not. That is the likely reason Papandreou's cabinet went along with the referendum idea, after initially rejecting it.
In short, this was a brilliant series of perfectly timed maneuvers that shoves the ball smack back into the face of of the arrogant Merkozy coalition.
Stuff the Ball Down Merkozy's Thoat Until they Puke
Papandreou's next move should be to stuff the ball down the throats of Merkozy so hard that both of them puke.
All he has to do to accomplish that would be to go ahead and word the referendum how he wants. In short, the referendum needs to include a proposal to stay in the Eurozone, as well as a proposal to reject the terms of the EFSF as presented.
Look at the beauty of this setup from the point of view of Papandreou.
Assuming the proposal to stay in the Eurozone passes but approval of the terms of the EFSF does not, Merkel and Sarkozy will have to do one of two things:
1. Kick Greece out of the European Monetary Union
2. Renegotiate terms of the EFSF
Either way, Papandreou wins.
Explanation of My Position
Please do not read any more into this than exists. The facts of the matter are French, German, and other European banks made stupid loans to Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, etc.
Banks that make stupid lending decisions (and not taxpayers) should pay the price for those actions.
Greece desperately needs reforms, particularly in the public union area. I support those reforms.
However, I do not support the bailing out of banks. Unfortunately, all this alleged "help" to Greece is nothing more than an obvious attempt to bail out banks at the expense of Greece and European taxpayers in general.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock


The Greek prime minister's decision to put the debt deal to a public vote has shocked Europe – but he is confident of support * Helena Smith
*, Wednesday 2 November 2011 21.08 GMT
.....A networker par excellence, Papandreou is also betting on Greece being a bigger problem for Europe than Europe is for Greece.
Just as he dismayed his EU counterparts, revealing the depths of Greece's corruption, inefficiency and public sector dysfunctionality shortly after assuming power, aides say he is now bent on telling them that he is determined to uncover the "vested interests" thwarting reform.
Papandreou has repeatedly blamed a nexus of media, banking and financial concerns for blocking his government's efforts at modernisation.
"The referendum is a declaration of war against all those who have made Faustian bargains, all the special interests killing Greece," said an aide.
"It is the beginning of cathartic process that is going to see a lot of corruption and wrongdoing aired. That is why George is certain that rational Greeks will vote in favour at the end of the day."