Monday 21 November 2011

remembrance of unknown soldiers means they died for nothing

[Vee hef ways of making you kill. AaaahhhahhAHAHAHHahaahAHAhah]
How many people have to die before Remembrance Day becomes a day that symbolises
the END of war.
I'm a refusenik. I don't wear a poppy because it just encourages the government.

If I'm wrong, it certainly doesn't make them respect the people who die daily in Afghanistan.
It limits respect to 2 minutes per year, maybe a half hour.

When it comes to war, it doesn't matter if you live in a democracy. You're
going to war, whether you like it or not. At least now, it's just poor
boys looking for a job and some glory, and foreign hookers.

Hermann Goering, Nazi:
"Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Here are three more takes on the meaning of war, for the people

checkitout: 1 hand of justice, on Guardian comments

12 November 2011 11:26PM

Just packing my kit bag to come and join them....this old ACC cook can still rustle up some hot army tea and brown stew to feed my comrades in arms. The parasites who lord it over us are the dregs of humanity and not one of the arseholes are fit to lick a squaddies boots....the next war THEY create in this vile world, let them take arms for a change, they can even have my old Enfield 303 rifle if they can carry it and get onto the front line and take the bullets for us....

Your Country Needs You

Wars are fought for the priviledged few.

Who goad you on "behind the queue".

These sick little men, with twisted minds.

Who sing out the songs of barbwire and mines.

"Give your life in blood and sweat".

"Your life today we will not forget".

"Your country needs you, young or old".

This fable sung by men of old.

But heed these words, do not bother.

Your nothing more than cannon fodder.

They promise the Earth if you win the war.

But you end up crippled, disabled and poor.

THEY want the wealth of others lands.

Like gold or oil in desert sands .

So question that fable your fathers sung.

If THEY want a war, give them your gun.

Put THEM in uniform and watch them all run.


2 octopus8 on guardian comments
13 November 2011 6:42PM
There is a most enlightening article on the Sunday Telegraph's website by Lord Ashcroft.It tells how he is donating £1,000,000 to a memorial to Bomber Command and how he has a gallery named after him at the Imperial War Museum with his collection of stamps (oops, his collection of VC medals).
This article is written by him, and his great generosity features well in the article. But nowhere does he suggest the party he bankrolls should do anything for living veterans.The word that comes to my mind rhymes with "banker".

3 Stefan Molyneux

Remembrance Day - By Stefan Molyneux
I wonder what the dead of war would say, if they stayed past their demise, and wheeled around the fading battlefield like invisible kites of regret. I wonder what they would say - the hundreds of millions slaughtered by swords and bombs and guns, vaporized into shadows on broken walls, ground into jam beneath the curled feet of tanks - I wonder what they would say to us? I wonder what they said to themselves, in their last moments, before their eyeballs bled from the crushing weight of war descending upon their lives.
I wonder if all the words that herded them like bitter vacant shepherds off the cliff edge of death - I wonder if those words evaporated just before their lives did? All the words like - patriotism, nationalism, religion, country... soldier. I wonder if all of the words that wrapped around them like a strangling anaconda mummy tape flew away from them before they died, and revealed only the sand - the dead sand - of nonexistence. I wonder if they realized, just before they died, that they were going to go the way of the words that led them to their graves, the words that did not exist, that made them not exist... The countries that do not exist, the patriotism - that is to live on bended knee to violent masters - the class that does not exist, that led them to lay down their lives for nothing, for rulers emptier than the words that hung them. And I wonder what they would say, if they could still fly above the ruin of the world that smashed them - and that they smashed… I wonder what they would say, as they saw all of these ghastly, deadly, empty, strangling words - still roaming the human landscape, still slithering like spindly, spiderly snakes through the books and teachers and priests and parents and lies and media and print of this world… The words like, ‘honor’ - the words like: ‘medal’ - the words, not that they had been ground out by the empty illusions of their elders, but that they had ‘fallen,’ like a toppling domino that was a human being...
I wonder what they would think of the music played for the dead, who died from words… I wonder what they would think of the tears of the people who stood by their graves; the tears of those whose agony at their loss went as deep and as wide as a bloody ocean. I wonder what they would think of the tears of the people who cried their graves, the people who did not move heaven and earth to stop them from going and marching and falling into the whirling blades of warring death.
I wonder what they would think of those who sobbed at their passing, but did not stop their journey to their end, that did not throw themselves in front of this train of death that scoops and sweeps and grinds and sprays over the bodies of all those it runs into, and over…
And I wonder what these billions of ghosts would say to the young, whose hearts and minds and bodies are currently gripped in the talons of these empty, dead, dying, murdering, cancerous words… The young who are snatched from the dead classrooms of State propaganda, and the dead pews of religious praise for the dead and the dying and the killing and the murdering… To the young held aloft and carried aloft in the steely and stealing talons of these empty words, being carried high above the lands that they're supposed to be ‘protecting’ - but that no one is invading – and, in the name of ‘defense,’ being carried thousands and thousands of miles across oceans, across frightened white upturned faces, and being dropped from these great heights, to fall like dead drones onto houses, onto hospitals, onto electricity plants, onto useless sand - but most of all, onto people - because these dead words carry live people and drop them to merge in a horrible embrace with victims of mass murder. I wonder what they would say to those being carried off by these words and dropped on the innocent…
And I wonder - I think most of all - what these ghosts - who learned too late what it is to die by words, to be slashed by syllables, to be murdered by mouths - what they would say to those of us who still continue to praise this murder, to salute this savagery, to stand stiff before these slumping corpses, to cheer these deaths - and to continue to mouth these empty phrases – ‘national defense,’ the ‘war on terror,’ ‘patriot acts,’ ‘protection,’ ‘honor,’ the ‘fallen,’ the ‘brave,’ the ‘few’…
........ Read the rest and watch the video here........