Sexuality, manhood, womanhood. They're all screwed up, if you read the media.
1 man send pic of dick by e-mail.
some do the moral outrage thing, others defend him [both a bit nuts- no pun]
2 women get pissed off at Canadian cop defending rape as being about
"she was dressed like a slut, so she deserves it"
women do "slutwalk", in broad daylight.
Next night, woman dressed like 'that' gets raped, not because of clothes
but because of wrong-place-wrong-time Karma. Are they gonna march about that?
3 men are beasts, men aren't beasts.
generalisation are too general
4 I wouldn't let my daughter do that, so it's gotta be illegal
The Freakonomics guy uses that test for everything from drugs to moon landings.
F%^&ks up on alcohol and gambling addiction. So, daughter might become addicted to one of those, or both.
Sorry, I've only got headlines today
-Cos67 ¬(%^D>
checkitout. News stories for above:
Alec Baldwin
Anthony Weiner Is a Modern Human Being
My friend Morgan Rank owned an art gallery in East Hampton several years ago. He moved to Italy, living in the quiet countryside there for nearly a decade. We had lost touch and then, at an art event in New York, someone approached me and said, "Morgan is back." I got a phone number and called him.
Morgan really lived off the grid. No internet. Little telephone usage. When we spoke awhile back, he commented on the digital age he found, in full force, upon his return. "Theses kids with these devices in their hands every minute of the day," he said. "They will never get to know each other the way we did. They will never stare at each other over a candle, jammed into a bottle of Mateus, on a red checkered table cloth in some restaurant."
Which brings me to Anthony Weiner.
The Internet, as I understand it, is best for sharing information, ideas and even feelings. We send our thoughts and feelings, our very spirit, over the airwaves, with astounding velocity. At times, as human beings, we want to attach the body to the feelings, as well. Photos of ourselves and loved ones. Pets. The view out our window. The image of a child's purity.
Photos used to sell something. Houses, apartments, cars, headshots, horses, music downloads, cookware. ...
Why I'll be joining the London SlutWalk
The language of 'slut-shaming' varies around the world, but this is a protest against the scrutiny that tries to control all women
o Asiya Islam
o, Saturday 11 June 2011 09.30 BST
Back home in a small conservative town in India, it would be considered perfectly acceptable to "Eve-tease" me if I went out in "western" attire (aka fitted jeans and T-shirt). In the capital city of the UK, things are surprisingly not very different – I run the risk of being called a slut if I "dare" to go out alone in the night wearing a short dress. The two scenes might not be exactly the same, but there's a common thread running through them – you are a slut provoking sexual attention if you don't conform to male definitions of modesty. And that is exactly what SlutWalk is protesting against.
Feminists have, however, been divided on the protests, which have already been held across the UK, in Canada and in the US. The main issues that have arisen in the debate is SlutWalk's use of and attempt to redefine the word "slut" and its alleged white supremacist and classist nature, which fails to be representative either of women of colour or of "real" sluts or sex workers.
Martin Robbins, Guardian, Man vs Beast
Like many children my penis didn't come with an instruction leaflet, or even adequate washing instructions, but somehow I've brought the beast under control. That's not to say that my penis doesn't occasionally do unfortunate things, just that when it does it's usually in collusion with my brain. A sort of double act, like Pinky and the Brain. If Pinky were a penis, and not a... a pinky.
My education has come from a combination of parents, peers, popular culture, trial and error (like at least one incident the subs edited out of my magnet post), and the sex education that some conservatives want to get rid of on the analogical basis that if a child has a loaded gun in his pocket, the safest possible way we can deal with it is for everyone to just pretend that nobody has noticed.
John McEntee's penis is apparently self-guiding. It is a biological tragedy that leads him to empathize with footballer and fellow philanderer, Ryan Giggs:
"...Giggs was only following the well-trodden path of his species and doing what us men can't seem to help doing. I don't mean going to expensive lawyers but remaining monogamous. Women can vow to love, honour and obey at the altar and stick to that promise. Men, it seems, can't ... we can't seem to stay faithful to the love of our lives.
The assumptive 'we' includes my entire gender. "Men," McEntee
Steven Levitt's 'daughter test' failSteven Levitt of
Freakonomics fame has come up with many brilliant insights, but his latest gambit is spectacularly dumb
o Jennifer Abel
o, Friday 10 June 2011 19.00 BST
...Levitt says nothing about reviving Prohibition, yet I guess it would be wrong to presume, by logical extension, "since Steven Levitt wouldn't ban booze, he won't mind if his daughter becomes an alcoholic." Perhaps he has sense enough to realise that "If she does grow up a problem drinker, entangling her in America's criminal justice system will only make matters worse." At any rate, Levitt mentioned his "daughter test" not to justify such bans, but to illustrate the idiocy of others:
"The 'daughter test' makes it clear why I find the US government's stance against internet poker so ridiculous. When I imagine my daughter growing up to be a professional poker player, my reaction is to think that would be a great outcome!"
Assuming she's any good at it. I guess it would be wrong to presume, then, that "since Steven Levitt wouldn't ban gambling, he won't mind if his daughter grows up heavy in debt to Russian mobsters." Perhaps he simply has sense enough to realise: "If my daughter does get involved in gambling – or any other currently illegal business – entangling her in America's criminal justice system will only make matters worse."....