Saturday 4 June 2011

dateline Fox News - the Indian grave-gate

We'd all like to thank Fox News for proving that President Obama
is a foreigner and a Nazi as well as a Communist, who will take away
all of America's guns.

Now, it's those damn Indian givers again. You make a deal with them
and park them on a reserve, only occasionally hunting them down for sport.
And then they go and haunt our economy because we dug up
their graves to build a new Walmart, for example.

Fox News put their best guys on this one. Let's watch:

Report: Economy Failing Because U.S. Built On Ancient Indian Burial Grounds

I never understood the term 'indian giver', meaning somebody who takes back what they agreed to, or what they gave you. It's the Americans who could not stick with a deal.
I was reminded today about what Sitting Bull had said about American treaties.
something like this:
"which of the treaties they've signed have they kept. None of them" No bull there.
So, I hope you realise I'm not anti-aboriginal. This piece is taking the piss out of Fox. here's hoping they meet Custer's fate, at the hands of the 'natives'.