Sunday 5 June 2011

Crystal ball says we need an excuse for QE3

[movie Black Swan. Awesome bird]
UPDATE: black swan spotted- The US debt default/ceiling thing

Quantitative easing is not going to be popular with the nation, as ever more of them are
living in their cars.

But it has to happen, because it's free money, and the only thing keeping the
banks from complete obliteration.
Not the economy
the banks.
The economy is f%^&&ked

a song of penitence:

well those wide arses better hope for a black swan event (rare/bad event)

"You cannot kick start a dead horse." "it's fucked up"

Note: I picked up the tip about the crisis to bring on QE3 from one of Keiser's shows,
from a few months ago, and I remembered that the stock market, which has most
of its trades handled by computers can pull a flash crash, and tell Congress
one more time "the sky is falling"
I just think that the banks can't cry for money this time, because folks will smell a rat.
So, I just wonder how they're gonna do it Hollywood style,
without it becoming real.