Friday 26 October 2012

LYSTERIA taking over the alt media

Lauren Lyster of Capital Account is , as I've
noted, impressive in her knowledge, her
interviewing skills and certain other things,
as this tweet notes:

There's a lot I'd like to explore with Lauren Lyster-
and it has nothing to do with an ETF...
Or maybe on second thought...if ETF stands for an
"Extremely Taut Fanny" -
then I'm all IN!  [IN, indeed- Cos67]
Just sayin'...


Not that I recommend such language about specific people,
largely because it seems kinda creepy. I'm just reporting.
By the way, to all my non-British readers, you need to
find out what 'fanny' means.
Don't worry, this fact makes Brits laugh uncontrollably,
like using the word 'pants' also does.

Let's cut to a video which a 'fan' has created

what is a fanny?
For those who haven't witnessed this mythological pleasure zone:

question: Where did that bubble come from?[zach & Miri]

 [now, do you understand?-zach & Miri make a porn]
Back to the show:
Capital Account on Russia Today, America's best news network, does
a good job in revealing the crimes that the US oligarchs wish to hide.
The fact that it's delivered by a fine-looking lady, is besides the
point. The show has an ever increasing crowd of supporters
as you can see by following Lauren , Demetri Kofinas or
the show on Twitter.
Notice also how glowingly the guests talk about their 'contact'
with Lauren. You can tell by the goofy smiles that some of them
enjoy Lauren more than her words, when they talk to her.
The smile says "I'm really happy, but I'm not looking at
your good stuff"
"seriously, I'm not"
Ya, sure.